Hi all 👋 Please read below ❤
You may have seen on the news that there is a huge movement around what Nail Technicians are charging with many of us earning less than the National Minimum Wage 😞
NATIONAL NAIL TECH PRICE INCREASE DAY has been created to enable Nail Techs to evaluate our current prices and bring them in line with the rest of the Hair & Beauty Industry, and to enable us to charge our worth 💜
As much as I’d like the prices to stay as they are I have to go with it.
EVERYTHING has gone up and my profit (my wage) has come down.
I’m currently doing price calculations that will be individual to me and my business, from 6th May 2024 there will be a small price increase.
My new price list will be shared on all my social media and my website as soon as I can 👍
Thank you all for your continued loyalty and support if you have any questions please do message me 😊